My Project Showcase

Real Time Document Collaboration

Introduction: The Real Time Document Collaboration Project is Comprehensive and Productive project disigned to provide Instant Synchronization between Clients , Great tool for Teams working on project as notes , further it can be updated with code functionality supporting Running scripts and Writing code which which fosters productivity and Innovation


Technologies Used


  1. Firebase Initialization: Created new project in Firebase and Configured with React Frontend
  2. Main File: Implemented the Main file component and it listen changes in firebase firestore
  3. Files Panel: Created the side panel with delete functionality which also listen to the file creations and updeates in the firestore collection
  4. Responsive Design: Ensured the platform is fully responsive and user-friendly across various devices.



The Real time Collaboration project offers Robust and Instant File edits , Powered by the Firebase , Fostering collaboration and Productivity.

GitHub Repository

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